Welcome to eDesk, the future of eCommerce Customer Support!

This help file will guide new eDesk users through the Mailbox and help them familiarise themselves with some of its great features.

Before you start

  • You'll need to have an account with eDesk. If you want to find out how to create one, click here.
  • For some Mailbox features, you’ll need an Admin login to eDesk. If you don’t have an Admin login, you can request one from an Admin user within your business.

01 The eDesk Mailbox 

The Mailbox is where you'll view, organize, and respond to messages that arrive from your customers via the channels you have connected to eDesk. Customer messages and your responses to them are organized into tickets. Learn more about tickets here.

In the image below, we've numbered each section of the Mailbox to correspond with the sections of this help file.
The eDesk Mailbox with numbered sections for the purpose of this help file.

1: Top Navigation

This navigation bar is where you navigate through the sections within your Mailbox. This is where you will find all of your tickets, and be able to view their customer messages, respond to your customers, and organize your tickets to help you keep on top of your customer care. 

  • Quick Filter
    Quick Filters will help you quickly search through your Mailbox for specific tags and pinned filters.
  • My Tickets
    These are tickets that are assigned specifically to you. To find out how tickets are assigned by you or your colleagues, click here.
    eDesk can also be configured to assign owners automatically in a round-robin. To find out more about eDesk's round-robin, click here.
  • Mentioned
    These are tickets in which your colleagues have mentioned you in, in order to get your assistance. Learn more here.
  • Pre-Sales
    Pre-Sales queries are messages from customers who are yet to buy but are showing buying intent. Learn more here.
The next section in the Top Navigation groups tickets by status and lists them in categories, such as New Tickets or Snoozed.  Learn more about ticket statuses here, including how tickets are assigned a status. You'll notice that some tickets will appear in more than one category, for example, new tickets that are awaiting a response will be listed in the New Tickets view and the To Do view.

The categories are:

  • New Tickets
    Brand new tickets that you’ve never responded to before and that require action.
  • To Do
    Tickets that require action. These include new tickets and tickets that you’ve responded to but need further follow-up action.
  • Waiting
    Tickets that have been actioned/replied to but aren’t ready to be closed. Use the Waiting status if you know the ticket isn’t going to be resolved when you reply. When you reply to a customer message in eDesk, the ticket will be closed by default, and have a Resolved status. However, if you don't want the ticket to be closed on reply, simply change the Send status in the Reply Box to Waiting and the ticket status will be changed to Waiting instead. To find out more about Ticket statuses, click here
  • Snoozed
    Tickets that have been temporarily removed from New and/or To-Do categories to reopen at a specified time. When the snooze time has elapsed, the ticket will return to where it originated. To find out more about how to snooze tickets, click here.
  • Resolved
    Closed tickets. Tickets in the Resolved category will reopen and go back into To Do if the customer responds to you or sends another email. 
  • Recently Updated
    This view lists tickets that have been changed recently, e.g., the customer sent a new message, a Support Agent added a note to it, or the status was changed.
  • Favourites
    Tickets you've favourited. Learn about favoriting tickets here.
  • Spam
    Messages that eDesk has identified as Spam.
  • Negative Feedback
    Any negative feedback tickets that have come in will be in this section.

The next section in the Top Navigation offers some very useful tools:

  • Pinned Filters
    Pinned filters are custom filters that you have created yourself. For example, you could pin all tickets for that are in the To Do status for a particular marketplace or for a SKU. Learn more about Pinned filters here.
  • Tags
    You can tag tickets and then view the tickets with common tags in folders in this section. Learn about tags here. Note: The Tags section shows all tickets with that specific tag - whether the ticket is in To Do or Resolved.
  • Smart Tools
    Smart Tools enable you to create smart workflows, route tickets, and automatically reply to commonly-asked customer questions, so you can deliver lightning fast customer care. Learn all about Smart Tools here.

2: Left-hand Navigation (top)

The left-hand navigation is where you jump to the different dashboards that eDesk offers. The range of dashboards you can see in this menu is determined by the eDesk plan your business uses.

From top to bottom, the menu items take you to the following dashboard views:
  • Home
    Your eDesk home page contains Updates from the eDesk team, as well as links to our Help centre and onboarding guide. Learn more about Home here. 
  • Mailbox
    Where you'll manage your customer messages. The focus of this help file!
  • Insights
    Learn about ticket insights here.
  • Feedback
    Learn about Feedback here.
  • Orders
    Learn about the Orders tab here.
  • eDesk Chat
    Learn about eDesk’s Chat here.
  • Customer View
    Learn about Customer View here.
  • Knowledge Base
    Create a Knowledge Base to educate your customers about your products and reduce queries by up to 30%. Learn more here.
  • eDesk Talk
    Learn all about supporting your customers via a phonecall here. All calls are logged in Mailbox tickets.

3: Left-hand Navigation (bottom)

At the bottom of left-hand navigation are the following menu items:
  • Invite user
    This is where you’ll invite colleagues to eDesk so that they can use it to manage customer queries. Learn more here.
  • App Store
    The App Store provides a bunch of ready-to-use integrations that make it really easy to connect  eDesk to a new channel. Learn more here.
  • Settings
    Configure your eDesk to suit your workflow and your business. The plan your business uses and the role assigned to your user account will determine which settings you can access in this dashboard.

4: eDesk AI: Agent Assist

One of the ways eDesk makes it easier to respond to your customers is through creating and suggesting responses to messages using AI. Learn about eDesk’s great AI features here.

The Mailbox offers an intelligent Agent Assist feature, which you access by selecting the Sparkle icon in the row for a ticket.
  • Agent Assist's AI identifies customer messages that eDesk AI can resolve. 
  • Select the Sparkle icon to see an AI-powered suggested response to the customer's message. 
  • If you choose to use the AI-powered response, simply select Send and your ticket is resolved. 
To see further AI-powered suggested responses for a ticket, open the ticket and you'll see them summarized at the top of the Reply Box.  Simple select a summary to display the associated message in the ticket, which you can then choose to send as your reply to the customer.

5: Channel and Language

This column in the Mailbox indicates which channel the customer message came from, and also indicates the language of the customer’s message.

6: eDesk AI: AI Classification

eDesk’s powerful AI classifies the first customer message in the ticket, enabling templates for that classification to be pre-populated for speedier response times. Learn about eDesk AI here.

7: Latest Update

This column in the Mailbox contains some text that indicates the most recent update in this ticket, which could be a customer message, a message from a Support Agent, or an eDesk AI summary.

8: Sort the tickets in the Mailbox view

Select to sort tickets. 

9: New ticket

Select this to create a new ticket. Learn more here

10: Filter

Select this to filter the tickets in the Mailbox. Learn more about filtering here.

11: Smart Inbox

Toggle from the default Mailbox List view to the Smart Inbox view, which groups tickets under smart categories. Learn about Smart Inbox here.

Further Readings


If you would like to find out more about getting your Mailbox setup, click here.

To learn about eDesk AI, click here.