The eDesk Mailbox is highly configurable and easy to set up to suit your requirements. 

This help file will guide you through the different ways that you can customize your Mailbox.

01 How do I configure my Mailbox?

1. Go to Settings → My Account → Profile Preferences → Mailbox

This is where you can configure the different options for languages, tickets, notifications, your messages, working hours, and holidays. In this article, we describe what each setting does.
Mailbox Settings page

02 Channel and Language settings

Use the following settings to configure channel and language settings:

  • Enabled Channels
    Lists the channels that are enabled for your account. 
  • Auto-select reply template
    If you tick this checkbox, then a reply template is automatically selected by default in the reply box for the ticket. This would generally be the template displayed at the very top of your Templates list.
  • Languages I understand
    Click to open the menu where you can select one or more languages that you already speak.
    eDesk uses this if you have Auto-translation enabled and will not auto-translate any messages that are in the languages selected here. To find out more about Auto-translation, click here.
  • Hide tickets in other languages
    If you don't want to see any tickets that are in languages you don't understand, tick this checkbox. These tickets will be displayed in the Mailbox for other users, as long as their Mailbox settings allow it.

03 Ticket settings and notifications

Use the following settings to configure ticket settings, in-app and email/desktop notifications:


  • Send me an email when someone assigns a ticket to me
    When you are made the Owner of a ticket by another user or by a Message Rule, you can ask to be automatically notified by email. The email is sent to the email address listed for you in the Settings → Company Settings → Users tab. Tick the checkbox to enable this notification type. This is useful for Admins who may not be logging into eDesk on a regular basis. 
  • Send me an email every time there is a new message in my assigned tickets
    You can set up your Mailbox to email you whenever a customer sends you a message in a ticket for which you are the Owner. The email is sent to the email address that is listed for you in Settings → Company Settings → Users tab. Tick the checkbox to enable this notification type. Again, this is useful for Admins who may not be logging in on a regular basis.

In App

  • Send me a notification when someone assigns a ticket to me
    When selected, you will receive an in-app notification that you have been assigned a ticket. The ticket will appear in the  My tickets section in your Mailbox.
  • Send me a notification when someone mentions me on a ticket.
    When selected, you will receive an in-app notification that you were mentioned on a ticket. The ticket will then appear in the Mentioned section in your Mailbox.
  • Send me a notification when someone adds a note to a ticket I am assigned to
    When selected, you will receive an in-app notification when someone adds a note to a ticket that you are assigned to.
Note: You can access your in-app notifications from the Bell icon on your Mailbox page.

Ticket Settings
  • Mention agent in reply
    If ticked, when you reply to a message, you will be @mentioned in the ticket. The ticket will then appear in the Mentions section in your Mailbox.
  • Assign as Owner on reply
    If ticked, when you reply to a message, you will be assigned as the owner of the ticket. The ticket will then appear in the My Tickets section in your Mailbox.
  • Deactivate auto-translation of your signature
    If you have Auto-translation enabled, your email signature will be auto-translated by default into the customer's language. You can disable this here by ticking the checkbox so that your signature is not translated but instead is left in its original language. To find out more about Auto-translation, click here.
  • Sending delay
    Enter a number of minutes here to instruct the Mailbox to delay sending your message by the specified time after you have clicked Send. This gives you a window of time to cancel the message if you decide you don't want to send it or would like to edit it.
Note: This delay is not used for Quick Reply messages. The default value here is 0 minutes, i.e., no delay. To find out more about Quick Reply, click here.

Desktop notifications This is where you can configure your desktop notifications. If enabled, desktop notifications will display in a small pop-up window that slides onto the screen to alert you to something that just happened. You need to be logged into eDesk to see them. From the dropdown, you can select from the following notifications:
  • All incoming messages: you'll be notified whenever a message arrives in your Mailbox.
  • Only for the tickets I'm assigned to: you'll be notified whenever a message arrives for which you are the Owner.
  • Only for chat messages: you'll only be notified when a customer sends a message via Chat. To find out more about eDesk Chat, click here. 
  • No notifications: desktop notifications are disabled.

Notification status: This field shows whether you have desktop notifications enabled. If they're not enabled, you will see a button that reads Click to enable notifications. 

  • Message order when inside a ticket  Select from the dropdown to set up how the messages are displayed within a ticket. You can either choose Display most recent messages at the top to display the most recent messages at the top of the ticket (you may have to scroll up through the ticket to view the most recent message with this option) or Display most recent messages at the bottom to display most recent messages at the bottom of the ticket.
  • Action after reply This is where you set up what happens after you click Send when you respond to a message. Select one of the following from the menu:
    • Back to list (Only for full view): the ticket is automatically closed on screen and the ticket list is redisplayed.
    • Stay on Ticket: keeps the ticket you have just sent a message for on the screen. 
    • Move to next ticket: the ticket is automatically closed on screen and the next ticket in the list is opened.
  • Show other related orders
    Tick to include a link to related orders from a customer on the right-hand side of the ticket. 
  • Search for exact phrases only by default
    If ticked, when you enter phrases in the Search field in your Mailbox, the search results will contain only messages that contain the exact phrase you searched for. So, if this checkbox is ticked, then a search for "Hello I am wondering" will return a message containing the phrase "Hello I am wondering where my order is", but not a message containing the phrase "Hello xSellco, I am wondering where my order is."
  • Show the ticket ID when viewing a ticket
    If ticked, the ticket ID is displayed in the Subject line of the ticket. 
  • Default send message status
    This option will enable you to change the default option of the Send status in the reply box. Click on the drop down to change the default of the Send status to either Waiting, To Do or Resolved.
  • Default channel to create new tickets for
    If you select a channel from this menu, this will become the default channel for whenever you create a new ticket. You can still change the channel manually when creating the ticket if you want to.
  • User Email Signature
    This is where you can create the User email signature that will be included at the bottom of your messages to customers. To find out more about creating signatures, click here.

04 Working Hours and holidays

Use the following settings to configure your Working Hours and holidays :

  • Don't assign on these dates
    This option is for when you have a Message Rule set up to assign tickets to Agents via round-robin. Enter dates here so that the Message Rules will not assign you tickets during this time. The minimum time period you can set is 1 day. An example of use is when you will be on vacation. To find out more about our Round Robin feature, click here.
  • Working Hours
    This option is also used in conjunction with the round robin feature in your Message Rules. Enter your daily working hours here, e.g., Monday 09:00 to Monday 17:00, Tuesday 08:30 to Tuesday 16:30, etc. The timezone is set by an Admin user in Settings → Company Settings → Company. Your working hours are used if a round-robin has been set up to assign owners to incoming tickets. To find out more about our Round Robin feature, click here. Only tickets that arrive within your working hours are assigned to you by the round-robin. If you have no working hours set, tickets can be assigned to you both day and night via round robin.

Further Readings

If you would like to find out more about Customizing the display in your eDesk Mailbox, click here.

If you are interested in learning how to reduce unwanted system messages in your Mailbox, click here.