Amazon allows buyers to opt-out of receiving non-critical messages from sellers. This help file will give you all the information on how eDesk…
In eDesk Feedback, the Overview page is now the Feedback landing page. It shows current, relevant, actionable information at a glance. This…
For peace of mind, eDesk enables you to check how your Feedback requests appear to your customers. This help file will guide you through previewing…
Keep delivering a great customer experience by personalizing Feedback requests for orders you've received through eBay. This help file will…
Keep delivering a great customer experience by personalizing Feedback requests for orders you've received through Amazon. This help file…
eDesk allows you to block specific products, orders, and customers if you don't want them to receive a feedback request message. This help…
This help file will guide you through all the recent changes required to remain compliant with Amazon. If you're not sure about ALL the guidelines…