eDesk allows you to block specific products, orders, and customers if you don't want them to receive a feedback request message.
This help file will guide you through all the steps to block a product, an order, or a customer.
Before you start
- You’ll need an Admin login to eDesk in order to manage feedback options. If you don’t have access, you can request it from an Admin user within your business.
01 Blocking feedback requests for products, orders, and customers
The eDesk Feedback add-on lets you gather customer feedback with minimal effort. You simply instruct eDesk to automatically send a feedback request to customers at a point in time after every order has been placed or dispatched.
And if you don’t want eDesk to automatically request feedback for certain products, orders and customers, that’s easy to set up too! We’ll show you how.
Open the Feedback dashboard to view the Scheduled to Send page. This lists all the orders for which eDesk is scheduled to send a Feedback request.
Note: You can also go to the No Rule Matched page to block feedback requests for orders, products, and customers.
Find the order for which you want to block the feedback request (or any order for the customer or product that you want to block). Click the ellipsis in the row for that order, to open a menu.
To stop eDesk from requesting feedback for this order only, click Block order. eDesk will continue to solicit feedback for all future orders for this customer and product.
To view blocked orders, click Blocked Orders in the left-hand menu. - To stop eDesk from requesting feedback from this particular customer, click Block customer. This will apply to all current and future orders from this customer.
To view blocked orders, click Blocked Customers in the left-hand menu.
Note: If customers have unsubscribed from receiving emails from you, they will also appear in the Blocked Customers section.
- To stop eDesk from requesting feedback for this particular product only, click Block SKU (in the example above, this is SKU DEN018.3). This will apply to all current and future orders from any customer for this product.
To view blocked products, click Blocked Products in the left-hand menu.
02 Unblocking products, orders, and customers
To unblock feedback requests for an order:
Click Blocked Orders in the left-hand menu to open the list of orders for which feedback requests have been blocked.
Click Unblock order in the row for the order you want to unblock.
Pro Tip: You can unblock more than one order at a time here by clicking the checkbox in the row for the orders you want to unblock, and then clicking Block/Unblock Orders at the top right of the page.
To unblock feedback requests for a product:
Click Blocked Products in the left-hand menu to open the list of products for which feedback requests have been blocked.
Click Unblock in the row for the product you want to unblock.
Note: You can also block feedback requests for a product from the All Products page that is opened when you click the All Products in the left-hand menu.
To unblock feedback requests for a customer:
Click Blocked customers in the left-hand menu to open the list of customers for which feedback requests have been blocked.
Click Unblock customer in the row for the customer you want to unblock.
Pro Tip: You can unblock more than one customer at a time here by clicking the checkbox in the row for the customers you want to unblock, and then clicking Block/Unblock Customers at the top right of the page.
Further Readings
To find tips on staying within Amazon’s terms of service when you want to contact customers proactively, click here.
Interested in learning more about the Feedback Dashboard? Click here.