Keep delivering a great customer experience by personalizing Feedback requests for orders you've received through Amazon.

This help file will guide you through using snippets to personalize your Amazon Feedback requests.

Before you start

  • You’ll need an Admin login to eDesk. If you don’t have an Admin login, you can request one from an Admin user within your business.

Note: if you've connected eBay to eDesk Feedback and would like to check the snippets for this marketplace, click here.
With eDesk's Feedback add-on, you can instruct eDesk to email your customers with a pre-written request for feedback. You create a Feedback request by putting your message into a Feedback template and setting up some conditions.

To read about eDesk's Feedback and how to create new Feedback requests, click here.

01 Personalizing with snippets

You can personalize any Feedback message by including customer snippets, which you can use to pull in information about the customer's order. 

To include a snippet, type # into the Message field to prompt display of a list of snippets, and click on a snippet in the list to insert it into your message.

Pro Tip: Typing # and then the name of the snippet will take you straight to that snippet in the list.

Here's an example of a Feedback template that includes a snippet for #product_name# and which also shows how entering # opens the snippets listing so that we can add the snippet #feedback_link#. When the message is sent out to the customer, the snippets will be replaced by the actual product name and a hyperlink to the Feedback Form.
Screenshot showing snippets in a Feedback message

02 Amazon snippet restrictions

eDesk provides a generic set of Feedback snippets, and you can also create your own custom ones. However, for Amazon orders, there are some restrictions on the snippets you can use in your feedback requests. This is because Amazon don't allow some types of information in customer communications.

Note: Amazon place strict restrictions on customer communications. We recommend that you read this article, which explains how to make sure that your messages comply with Amazon's Buyer-Seller Messaging Policy, and also this article, which tells you how to stay within your Amazon Feedback Quota.

Below is a list of out-of-the-box snippets that you can use in Feedback Requests for Amazon orders. 

  • #order_id#
    The marketplace order ID, e.g., 123-4567890-1234567.
  • #marketplace#
    The Marketplace name, e.g., Amazon.
  • #shipping_carrier#
    The carrier of the shipment, e.g., UPS.
  • #shipping_tracking#
    The shipment tracking code, e.g., 1Z88F42857152837588.
  • #ordered_date#
    The date the order was placed, e.g., 7 July 2020.
  • #dispatched_date#
    The date the order was dispatched, e.g., 8 July 2020.
  • #estimated_delivery_date#
    Date the order is expected to be delivered, e.g., 10 July 2020.
  • #product_name#
    The product name of the first order line item, e.g., GoPro HERO.
  • #product_sku#
    The product SKU of the first order line item, e.g., C9-GPH.
  • #product_id#
    Product marketplace id of the first order line item (ASIN), e.g., B00NIYNUXO.
  • #ordered_quantity#
    Ordered quantity of the first order line item, e.g., 1.
  • #product_price#
    Unit price of the first order line item, e.g., $129.99.
  • #shipping_price#
    Price paid for shipping, e.g., $0.00.
  • #total_price#
    Total order price, e.g., $129.99.
  • #product_link#
    Link to the first order line item's product page, e.g.,
  • #product_review_link#
    Link to the first order line item's product review page, e.g.,
  • #feedback_link#
    Seller feedback link, e.g.,
  • #order_link#
    Link to the customer's order on the marketplace website, e.g.,
  • #store_link#
    Link to the channel's store front page, e.g.,

Note: If you include a snippet that is not supported by Amazon, the snippet will not be replaced by the real value in the message. 

Further Readings

If you would like to find out more about eDesk's Feedback add-on, click here.

If you would like to stop eDesk from sending feedback requests for certain products, orders and customers, click here.