We're committed to providing the highest standards of security to our eDesk users. That's why eDesk supports Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA),…
Let's take a closer look at the Ticket View, which contains all the information and tools you need to respond to your customers fast and deliver…
You've heard a lot of chatter about how eDesk makes life super easy for online sellers, and now you've decided to see what all the fuss is about!…
The eDesk API enables you to connect eDesk to the other applications that you use to sell, track, and manage your shop, so that they can send…
If you need someone else in your team to help you with a ticket, all you need to do is @mention them and the ticket will appear in the Mentioned…
Want to add a note to a ticket that can been seen by the rest of your team but that's hidden from your customer? We'll show you how! This…
Customer support in one place, not all over the place! Get started with eDesk now!
Understanding tickets and how they work in eDesk is key to delivering a fantastic, personal experience for your customers. This help file…
Your business has chosen eDesk for their eCommerce Helpdesk, and an Admin user within your business has sent you an email that invites you…
In this video, we will demonstrate how online sellers use eDesk and its wide range of powerful features.
There are a number of ways to respond to messages in eDesk. You can decide to send manual responses, AI responses, pre-written templates, snippets,…
eDesk brings all your customer queries into one place, with related order details and conversation history. We understand the importance…
Welcome to eDesk, the future of eCommerce Customer Support! The eDesk Mailbox is where you'll view, organize, and respond to messages that arrive…
Rather than having customer messages spread across different inboxes and message centres without easy access to order information, eDesk Mailbox…
You may want to assign tickets to your teammates if they’re better suited to solving the issue or if you’re overwhelmed. This help file…
Tickets have different statuses through their journey from new to resolved, each helping you to keep your mailbox organized. There are multiple…