Discover eDesk AI's classifications and learn how they can enhance your support experience by providing personalized and accurate responses to customer queries.

Before you start

  • eDesk’s AI is available by default on new ticket based plans. 
  • If you’re an existing customer and you want access to eDesk’s AI, you’ll need to upgrade to a ticket based plan. Learn about our plans here.

01 What are eDesk AI Classifications?

Classifications play a pivotal role in enhancing the power of eDesk AI. By categorizing customer queries and issues into distinct classifications, eDesk can provide tailored and accurate responses to specific situations. This enables eDesk AI to understand the nuances of each customer interaction, allowing it to suggest the most appropriate templates, responses, and actions.

With an extensive range of classifications, eDesk AI can effectively address a wide array of customer concerns, ranging from product queries and order adjustments to shipping issues and refund requests. The precision and specificity offered by classifications enable eDesk to streamline customer support processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver superior customer experiences.

Classification Definition
Happy customer The customer expresses satisfaction, joy, or positive feedback regarding their purchase or overall experience.
Invoice request The customer requests an invoice for their purchase, typically for accounting or reimbursement purposes.
Invoice request → Amazon / Mirakl The customer specifically requests an invoice related to their purchase made on Amazon or Mirakl marketplace platforms.
Order Query → Damaged → No photos attached The customer raises a query or complaint regarding a damaged item, but does not provide any photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Damaged → Photos attached The customer raises a query or complaint regarding a damaged item and attaches photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Doesn't like/fit/need The customer raises a query or complaint stating that they are dissatisfied with, or the item does not fit or meet their needs.
Order Query → Missing items → No photos attached The customer reports missing items from their order but does not provide any photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Missing items → Photos attached The customer reports missing items from their order and attaches photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Not as described → No photos attached The customer claims that the received item does not match the described or advertised specifications but does not provide any photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Not as described → Photos attached The customer claims that the received item does not match the described or advertised specifications and attaches photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Payment issue The customer encounters an issue or problem related to payment for their order, such as transaction errors, declined payment, or refund processing.
Order Query → Wrong item → No photos attached The customer reports receiving the wrong item in their order but does not provide any photos as evidence or support.
Order Query → Wrong item → Photos attached The customer reports receiving the wrong item in their order and attaches photos as evidence or support.
Order adjustment → Cancellation → Dispatched The customer requests an order cancellation after the item has been dispatched for shipping.
Order adjustment → Cancellation → Not dispatched The customer requests an order cancellation before the item has been dispatched for shipping.
Order adjustment → Gift purchase → Dispatched The customer requests adjustments or changes to an order placed as a gift, after the item has been dispatched for shipping.
Order adjustment → Gift purchase → Not dispatched The customer requests adjustments or changes to an order placed as a gift, before the item has been dispatched for shipping.
Order adjustment → Shipping instructions → Dispatched with tracking The customer provides specific shipping instructions for an order that has been dispatched and can be tracked.
Order adjustment → Shipping instructions → Dispatched without tracking The customer provides specific shipping instructions for an order that has been dispatched but cannot be tracked.
Order adjustment → Shipping instructions → Not dispatched The customer provides specific shipping instructions for an order that has not yet been dispatched for shipping.
Product Query → Faulty item → No photos attached The customer raises a query or complaint about a faulty item but does not provide any photos as evidence or support.
Product Query → Faulty item → Photos attached The customer raises a query or complaint about a faulty item and attaches photos as evidence or support.
Product Query → Product question The customer has a question or inquiry regarding a specific product or its features, specifications, or usage.
Product Query → Warranty The customer has a question or inquiry specifically related to the warranty coverage or terms of a product.
Refund → Refund request → Request The customer requests a refund for their purchase, indicating their desire to return the item and receive a refund.
Returns Query → Return request → Request The customer raises a query or request regarding the return of an item, expressing their intention to return the product.
Shipping Query → Customs / import fees The customer has questions or concerns regarding customs or import fees associated with the delivery of their order.
Shipping Query → Delivery issue → Dispatched with tracking The customer encounters issues or problems with the delivery of their order, which has been dispatched and can be tracked.
Shipping Query → Delivery issue → Dispatched without tracking The customer encounters issues or problems with the delivery of their order, which has been dispatched but cannot be tracked.
Shipping Query → Delivery issue → Not dispatched The customer encounters issues or problems with the delivery of their order, which has not yet been dispatched for shipping.
Shipping Query → Where's my order → Delivery query → With tracking The customer has inquiries or concerns about the delivery status of their order, which can be tracked, and seeks updates or information.
Shipping Query → Where's my order → Delivery query → Without tracking The customer has inquiries or concerns about the delivery status of their order, which cannot be tracked, and seeks updates or information.
Shipping Query → Where's my order → General order update The customer seeks general updates or information about the status or progress of their order delivery.
Shipping Query → Where's my order → Late or missing → With tracking The customer reports that their order is delayed or missing, and the delivery can be tracked.
Shipping Query → Where's my order → Late or missing → Without tracking The customer reports that their order is delayed or missing, and the delivery cannot be tracked.

02 AI templates

Mapping templates to AI classifications is a crucial step in harnessing the power of eDesk AI for personalized and efficient customer support. By associating specific templates with each classification, eDesk AI can provide tailored and accurate responses to customer queries. We provide a list of templates for you to use in eDesk. You can find these templates in the templates section of eDesk or here in this PDF.

Further Readings


For an introduction to eDesk's AI, click here

To learn how to use eDesk's Agent Assist and HandsFree, click here.