Favouriting tickets is an easy way to keep important queries in one place so that you can access them quickly.

This help file will show you how you can easily bookmark tickets in your eDesk account.

Before you start

  • You’ll need access to the eDesk Mailbox. If you don’t have access, you can request it from an Admin user within your business.

01 What are Favourites?

You can choose to favourite a ticket if it's an important one that you'd like to keep your eyes on. The tickets that you favourite will then be displayed in their own section in your Mailbox so you can consult them in one click.

02 Where do I find Favourites?

If you wish to find all the tickets that have been favourited, you can simply:

  1. Click on the eDesk Mailbox icon.
  2. Select the Favourites section.
  3. You will then be brought to the tickets which you have favourited.

Note: Favourites are user-based, which means they will only be visible to the agent that favourited them.

03 How to Favourite/Unfavourite a ticket?

If you wish to favourite/unfavourite a ticket, you can simply:

  1. Select the ticket in question.
  2. Select or unselect the star on top of the message on the right-hand side.

Further Readings

To find out more about using Templates to save time, click here.

Interested in learning how to create Tag Groups in eDesk, click here.