We're here to help

Restricting user permissions for eBay cases

eBay cases can sometimes be sensitive, therefore we allow users in eDesk to restrict eBay case reponses. This help file will show you how…

Troubleshooting: Revoking access to existing software

When joining eDesk, it's a good idea to make sure that any previous software tools you were using are no longer trying to update your Amazon…

Using eDesk Talk

eDesk Talk is a simple phone solution for small support teams to enable them to provide call support to their customers without having to invest…

Intro to the Mailbox - Ticket View (video)

 eDesk's powerful Ticket View allow you to consult all your order and customer information directly on your tickets, at one glance!

Making and Receiving calls on eDesk Talk

eDesk Talk is a simple phone solution for small support teams to enable them to provide call support to their customers without having to invest…

Managing Users

eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…

Spotlight on the eDesk Insights (video)

In this video, we will talk about eDesk Insights! We’ve given eDesk Dashboards a new layout and a new name to go with it.   

Troubleshooting: eBay connection

eDesk connects to eBay through eBay's API. As a verified eBay partner, we will only have secure access to limited information. Because we…

Connecting eDesk Talk

eDesk Talk is a simple phone solution for small support teams to enable them to provide call support to their customers without having to invest…

Getting started with the eDesk API

The eDesk API enables you to connect eDesk to the other applications that you use to sell, track, and manage your shop, so that they can send…

Reviewing MWS Permissions

If your Amazon account is already connected to eDesk but you're not receiving messages or if you disabled eDesk (xSellco) access and now wish…

Payment History

eDesk makes it really easy for you to consult all your previous payments and download your invoices. This help file will guide you through…

The eDesk App Store

eDesk integrates with a wide range of different marketplaces, webstores, support email & comms, social media, automation & management, tracking…

How to renew your Microsoft Office token

Microsoft has recently moved to modern authentication (OAuth 2.0 token-based authorization). This has many security benefits and improvements…

Managing your team’s permissions using roles

All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…

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