Thinking about making adjustments to your subscription to eDesk, Repricer, Feedback, or any other product? We're here to assist you every step…
Sometimes people from outside your support team, such as managers and colleagues from other functions of the business might want to access eDesk…
eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…
eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees.
Company Settings allow you to optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide you through all the Company…
Watch this video and find out how easy it is to build a powerful collaborative workspace in eDesk!
eDesk makes it really easy for you to consult all your previous payments and download your invoices. This help file will guide you through…
You may want to assign tickets to your teammates if they’re better suited to solving the issue or if you’re overwhelmed. This help file…
All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…
When navigating through your eDesk account, the search and filters option will enable you to find exactly the tickets you're looking for. This…
Rather than having customer messages spread across different inboxes and message centres without easy access to order information, eDesk Mailbox…
eDesk Home is a new page within your eDesk app that helps you to keep track of your mailbox and learn how to get the most from eDesk. Before…
eDesk is the only customer support help desk built exclusively for eCommerce. It makes it super easy for customers to get in touch across all…
eDesk integrates with a wide range of different marketplaces, webstores, support email & comms, social media, automation & management, tracking…