We're here to help

Delivery Configurations

eDesk will allow you to create delivery configurations in your account so we can calculate estimated delivery times for you. This help file…

Glossary of Industry Terms

This help file is a practical and easy-to-use guide to common terms used in the e-commerce industry and that you might come across when using…

Configuring your eBay channel settings

Did you know that you can fine-tune how eDesk manages your eBay messages? eDesk provides a set of eBay channel settings that enable you to customize…

Configuring your eDesk Mailbox

 The eDesk Mailbox is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific requirements. Any changes you make will only apply to…

Connecting Shippingbo with eDesk

Shippingbo is an ecommerce logistics solution : multi-channel, multi-warehouses and multi-carriers solutions. It is composed of three features…

Mail Forwarding with eDesk

Email forwarding is the most straightforward eDesk receiving mode and will allow you to automatically forward emails to your eDesk account. Before…

Receiving modes

You can customise how eDesk imports your customer emails by selecting a Receiving Mode for each email and webstore channel. This guide explains…

Setting up your Amazon channel mailbox

This support article will guide you on the next steps that are required to set up your Amazon mailbox so you'll be able to send and receive messages…

Using Invoice Templates

Stay on top of invoicing and save time by creating templates that you can use to automatically generate invoices for your order-related tickets. This…

Connecting ChannelAdvisor with eDesk

ChannelAdvisor is a multichannel e-Commerce platform that supports over 300 channels, most of which are popular online marketplaces.  Connecting…

The 5 step guide to setting up your eDesk Mailbox

Rather than having customer messages spread across different inboxes and message centres without easy access to order information, eDesk Mailbox…

Add Channel: Amazon (video)

In this video, we will demonstrate how you can easily link your Amazon account to eDesk.  

AI Automation

AI Automation allows you to resolve tickets automatically with zero human interaction. There are 2 ways this can be done in eDesk:   via…

Connecting ChannelEngine with eDesk

Channelengine.com is a marketplace solution that supports over 250 marketplaces and 3rd party sales channels. Connecting ChannelEngine to eDesk allows you…

Setting Service Level Agreement (SLA) Targets

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) define the level of service a customer can expect from a seller or marketplace. One of the most important service…

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