We're here to help

Automate your "Where is my order" responses with eDesk's Tracking Code Mapping

"Where's my order?" can constitute an estimated 20-40% of customer enquiries. That's why eDesk allows you to add a direct tracking link to orders…

Connecting Wix from the eDesk App Store

Wix Is a cloud-based website builder that includes web hosting and design services. It makes it easy for users to build their site without either…

Connecting eDesk from the Wix App Market

Wix is a cloud-based website builder that includes web hosting and design services. It makes it easy for users to build their site without having…

Connecting WhatsApp with eDesk - Requirements to onboard

Integrating WhatsApp with eDesk will revolutionize the way your team handles support. By having two way communication via WhatsApp with your…

Connecting WhatsApp with eDesk - Regular Onboarding

Integrating WhatsApp with eDesk can revolutionize the way your team handles support. By having two way communication via WhatsApp with your customers,…

Connecting WhatsApp with eDesk - Number Porting Onboarding

Integrating WhatsApp with eDesk will revolutionize the way your team handles support. By having two way communication via WhatsApp with your…

How WhatsApp pricing works

Integrating WhatsApp with eDesk can revolutionize the way your team handles support. By having two way communication via WhatsApp with your customers,…

Enable WhatsApp Chat through your eDesk Live Chat Widget

eDesk’s Live Chat enables you to add a Whatsapp click-to-chat widget to your website so visitors can start a conversation with your business…

Mobile App: eDesk Insights

We’ve redesigned the xSellco Insights mobile app, giving it a new look and feel, as well as a new name - eDesk Insights.  This help file…

The eDesk App Store

eDesk integrates with a wide range of different marketplaces, webstores, support email & comms, social media, automation & management, tracking…

Approving Senders

When contacting buyers, the eDesk email address must be added as an Approved Sender in Seller Central. If you do not add eDesk as an Approved…

Connecting Etsy with eDesk

Etsy is a global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, buy and collect unique items.  By connecting your Etsy account…

European VAT for eCommerce

If you’re worried that tax laws can be complicated then fear not! This help file will guide you through everything you need to know about…

DMarc Compliance

You may have seen the following banner appear at the top of your account:

Hiding irrelevant CSAT feedback in your Insights

Understanding your customer's experience has never been more important. That's why eDesk allows you to exclude irrelevant or inappropriate customer…

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