We're here to help

The Company Settings in eDesk

Company Settings allow you to optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide you through all the Company…

Setting up your Company details

The company details section allows you to customize and optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide…

Configuring your eDesk Mailbox

The eDesk Mailbox is highly configurable and it's super easy to set it up to suit your requirement.  This help file will guide you through…

Delivery Configurations

eDesk will allow you to create delivery configurations in your account so we can calculate estimated delivery times for you. This help file…

Managing Users

eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…

How to set up a Company SLA

In this video we show you how to set up a Company SLA based on your working hours, for your email and webstore channels.   

Creating signatures

By including a signature at the bottom of the messages you send to your customers, you'll give your customers a more personal experience and…

Notifications for Chat

To make it easier for you to differentiate between chat interactions, eDesk Chat notifications come in two sounds: one for new conversations…

Setting up your Business Hours in eDesk

If you have your Business Hours set, the SLA timer will only count down during your set hours. This ensures your response performance metrics…

Building a powerful collaborative workspace! (video)

Watch this video and find out how easy it is to build a powerful collaborative workspace in eDesk!

Respond faster with Snippets

Use Snippets in your customer responses to deliver fast, personal and consistent customer care. This help file will guide you through creating…

Configuring your eBay channel settings

Did you know that you can fine-tune how eDesk manages your eBay messages? eDesk provides a set of eBay channel settings that enable you to customize…

Intro to the Mailbox - Overview (video)

 eDesk's powerful Mailbox gathers all your customer's interactions across all the different platforms into one single inbox. 

What are the best practices for creating a 5-star customer experience?

Nowadays, customers can shop from anywhere, at any time, making it harder than ever to get ahead of the competition! Remember that a single bad…

Connecting eDesk Talk

eDesk Talk is a simple phone solution for small support teams to enable them to provide call support to their customers without having to invest…

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