We're here to help

Notifications for Amazon cancellations

Amazon no longer sends notifications to sellers when a customer asks to cancel their order; instead the cancellation request is displayed in…

Notifications for Chat

To make it easier for you to differentiate between chat interactions, eDesk Chat notifications come in two sounds: one for new conversations…

Configuring your eDesk Mailbox

The eDesk Mailbox is highly configurable and it's super easy to set it up to suit your requirement.  This help file will guide you through…

Reduce spam and system messages in your Mailbox

Is your Mailbox filling up with unnecessary spam or system messages from your marketplaces? This help file will show you how to display only…

Connecting Amazon with eDesk

Connecting your Amazon channel settings will allow your orders, messages, delivery times, returns and refund details to flow into eDesk.

Troubleshooting: Finding your BigCommerce email addresses

BigCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform allowing you to create an online store and sell products. We understand the importance of delivering…

Connecting Magento V2 with eDesk (API)

Magento is a popular eCommerce platform allowing you to create an online store and sell products.  Connecting your Magento account will allow…

Troubleshooting: Amazon connection

If you have already connected your Amazon account to eDesk but are not receiving messages or if you disabled xSellco access from your Amazon…

Setting up your Amazon channel mailbox

This support article will guide you on the next steps that are required to set up your Amazon mailbox so you'll be able to send and receive messages…

What's a ticket in eDesk?

Understanding tickets and how they work in eDesk is key to delivering a fantastic, personal experience for your customers. Let's find out more! This…

Connect your Amazon Mailbox with eDesk (Repricer.com customers only)

So you’ve mastered the art of price management and now you’re ready to ramp up customer support capabilities? We like your style! If you…

Trialing eDesk via Repricer

If you started your eDesk trial via Repricer, your eDesk trial account is already connected to your Amazon channel - this means that all your…

Amazon Buyer Opt-Out

Amazon allows buyers to opt-out of receiving non-critical messages from sellers. This help file will give you all the information on how eDesk…

Common uses of Message Rules

Use eDesk's Message Rules to automate ticket management, giving your team more time to deliver 5 star customer support.  This help file provides…

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