We're here to help

Deleting Tickets

Is your Mailbox filling up with lots of resolved tickets that take up space and are no longer relevant? This help file will show you how…

Deleting Users

eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…

Troubleshooting: Deleting a channel

This help file will guide you through what actions to take if you want to delete a channel in eDesk. Before you start    You need…

Resetting your eDesk password

Whether you've forgotten your password or you just want to change it, don't worry. It's a very simple and secure process! This help file…

Setting up your Company details

The company details section allows you to customize and optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide…

Building a powerful collaborative workspace! (video)

Watch this video and find out how easy it is to build a powerful collaborative workspace in eDesk!

Changing your login email address

Whether you've forgotten the email address you registered your account with or you just want to change it, don't worry. It's a very simple…

Adding Users

eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…

Using Templates to save time

Create ready-to-go templates to help your teams deliver expert customer support in record time! eDesk can also auto-respond to customer messages…

Managing Users

eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…

Respond faster with Snippets

Use Snippets in your customer responses to deliver fast, personal and consistent customer care. This help file will guide you through creating…

Spotlight on the Ticket View (video)

In this video, we will talk about the Ticket View in eDesk, which helps agents supercharge their customer service replies.  

Using Tags in eDesk

Tags are a great way to organize the Mailbox, giving your customer support process more structure.  Using the right Tag in your eDesk account…

The Company Settings in eDesk

Company Settings allow you to optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide you through all the Company…

Mark Waiting tickets as Resolved after a certain amount of time 

We understand that each person works differently therefore we made it very easy to customize settings in eDesk.  In this help file, we’ll…

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