Providing rich custom content in the Content hub is one of the ways to enable your AI to deliver top-tier care to your customers. This help…
The Content hub is basically the library where your AI learns the information it needs to provide accurate and relevant responses. You can add…
Did you know that you can customize the information that's shown in your Mailbox and also control the way information is displayed? This…
Custom fields are a very powerful tool in eDesk, allowing you to link additional information to a customer query. In this help file, we'll…
Adding eDesk's snippets to your customer replies allows you to deliver fast, personal and consistent customer care!
Lighten the load on your support team by welcoming eDesk's AI chatbot, powered by Ava, into the team! eDesk makes it super easy to set up your…
Use Snippets in your customer responses to deliver fast, personal and consistent customer care. This help file will guide you through creating…
In this video, we will talk about the Manual Usage Templates in eDesk, which helps agents save time and deliver an excellent customer experience.
All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…
Use these Manual Usage templates to respond to your customer's most frequently asked questions, and deliver a super-fast, five-star customer…
In this video, we will talk about Smart Tools, which is the most powerful feature of eDesk.
Replying to your customers using powerful Templates will help your teams deliver expert customer support in record time!
With the introduction of our new AI Assist feature, Smart Reply, there will be some updates to your Content hub. This article will guide you…
Create a Manual Usage Template to help your teams respond to customers quickly.
The eDesk Mailbox is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific requirements. Any changes you make will only apply to…