We're here to help

Hiding irrelevant CSAT feedback in your Insights

Understanding your customer's experience has never been more important. That's why eDesk allows you to exclude irrelevant or inappropriate customer…

Trialling eDesk? All your questions answered!

You've heard a lot of chatter about how eDesk makes life super easy for online sellers, and now you've decided to see what all the fuss is about!…

The Orders tab

The Orders tab will allow you to see all of the orders placed on the marketplaces and channels you have connected to eDesk as well as their…

Managing Users

eDesk will help you improve your team's collaboration by creating user accounts for each one of your employees. This help file will guide…

Tickets Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Fine-tune your customer care with eDesk's Report Extracts

eDesk gives you unique insights into the customer care you provide across your entire customer base. Our Report Extracts feature enables you…

Search Filter Download

The Search Download feature allows you to download a list of tickets generated using the filter inside the Mailbox. The columns are defined by…

Enterprise Reports

Enterprise reports in eDesk will allow you to view and download various types of account data. This very powerful reporting interface helps you…

Customizing the display in your eDesk Mailbox

Did you know that you can customize the information that's shown in your Mailbox, and also control the way information is displayed?  This…

eDesk Customer View: Get full insights into your customers

Want to build good relationships with your customers? Show them that you know them by checking eDesk's Customer View.  This view combined…

What are the best practices for keeping your mailbox organized?

Support teams often opt for a centralized inbox to deal with customers because it's easy to set up and gathers communications into one place.…

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