The bulk Reply option in eDesk will allow you to respond to multiple tickets in one go, allowing you to save time and be more efficient.
Is your Mailbox filling up with lots of resolved tickets that take up space and are no longer relevant? This help file will show you how…
Merging tickets allows you to combine two related tickets together. This is helpful in keeping your Mailbox clean and ensuring there is no…
Learn how to easily create tickets in eDesk to respond fast to all of your customer queries!
eDesk's powerful Ticket View allow you to consult all your order and customer information directly on your tickets, at one glance!
In this video, we will talk about the Ticket View in eDesk, which helps agents supercharge their customer service replies.
Understanding tickets and how they work in eDesk is key to delivering a fantastic, personal experience for your customers. This help file…
This help file highlights the difference between tickets that have been read (physically opened) and unread by an agent. Before you start You’ll…
Create tickets in eDesk to deliver proactive support to your customers, and keep all your correspondence together by sending external emails…
Tickets have different statuses through their journey from new to resolved, each helping you to keep your mailbox organized. There are multiple…
Did you know that you can customize the information that's shown in your Mailbox and also control the way information is displayed? This…
In this webinar, our Customer Success Team will demonstrate how online sellers use Message Rules in eDesk.
This help file will guide you through what actions to take if your tickets are changing status automatically in your eDesk mailbox. Before…
The eDesk Mailbox is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific requirements. Any changes you make will only apply to…
Support teams often opt for a centralized inbox to deal with customers because it's easy to set up and gathers communications into one place.…