eDesk's range of AI features are designed to help you deliver fast and exceptional customer support to your entire customer base. Our intelligent language feature detects the language used in your customer's message, summarizes it in your default UI language, and then offers AI-powered replies in the customer's language, so you can click and send the perfect response in record time. 

This help file describes eDesk's AI language support and shows you how to use it to support your global customer base.

Before you start

  • eDesk’s AI is available by default on new ticket-based plans. 
  • You will need to be on an AI Assist pack or above if you are on a user-based plan. Learn about our plans here.

01 What is eDesk's intelligent language detection?

eDesk AI delivers a range of features to supercharge your customer care. Read all about them here. Its intelligent language detection feature empowers you to quickly and easily provide support to your customers in their own language.

So how does it work? When a customer message arrives, eDesk's AI scans the message, determines that language and the system checks whether this language has been chosen in the 'Languages I understand' section of your Profile Preferences.

In regards to Agent Assist templates, if the ticket matches an existing AI classification, it will generate AI-powered replies based on the templates you've created for that classification. If you've created templates and added a translation to them in the language that the customer used in their message, then the AI-powered replies will be in that language. eDesk will also automatically summarize the customer message in your own default UI language, so that you can understand and review it if necessary.

As a result, your agents will have the option to send a lightning-fast response in the customer's original language - and you don't need fluency or even any understanding of the customer's language to deliver it.

02 What do I need to do?

To utilize eDesk's AI language detection in the Agent Assist templates, you must first add translated versions of each template in your customer's language and attach it to an AI Classification. We recommend that you do this for the most spoken languages of every country you sell in.

The instructions below assume you have already created AI templates for each AI Classification. If you need to create AI templates, the instructions are here

To add a new language version to an AI template:

1.Go to Settings and then select Smart Tools > Templates.
The Message templates page is displayed showing a list of the templates you have already created.

2. In the Message templates page, select the template for which you want to add a new language version. 

3. In the Template page, under Messages and Languages, select Add +.

4. In the Language field, select the language and then in the Message field, enter a translation of your original message.

Note: You can enter a subject into the Subject field if you like, but it will not be used when responding to customers because the Subject of a response email is always Re. [the original subject], as is the standard for email responses.
5. Select Save Changes to save the new language version of the template.
6. If required, repeat these steps to add further language versions to this and other templates.

03 How does it work?

For Agent Assist:

When a message in French arrives in your eDesk Mailbox and that message matches an AI classification that has a French version of the primary template, eDesk will automatically suggest the French version of the template when you select the sparkle icon. If you prefer to respond in another language, you can select another language version from the Reply language menu at the bottom. Then hit Send Reply to send.

Agent Assist AI response
If you open the ticket instead, you'll see the French version of the primary template in the Reply Box:
French version in the Reply Box for Agent Assist.
For HandsFree:

If HandsFree is enabled in your account and the template has been selected in the Template configuration page as the HandsFree template, eDesk will send the French version of the template as the response to the customer.

Further Readings

For an introduction to eDesk's AI, click here