This condition node allows you to create more dynamic and responsive chat flows by setting up IF statements within your flows.

The node states 'If this' variable - that you specify - 'is' (or 'is not') triggered, then perform a certain action. 'Otherwise' perform a different action. 

It was initially built to allow the chatbot to check if agents were online, but it has many other variables too, such as 'Customer country' or 'Order late dispatch' for example.

Customers will not see any text that you enter into the condition node - it is simply used to direct them down a particular branch of your flow. 

 This help file will guide you through the condition node - and specifically how to set it up to check if agents are online or not. 

Before you start 

  • Ava is available as an Add-On.
  • To learn more, click here.
  • Admin and Team Leader roles will have the chatbot permission as default.
  • You’ll need to have access to Smart Tools > Chatbots in your permissions.
  • Admin and Team Leader roles will have the chatbot permission by default.
  • If you don’t have access, you can request it from an Admin user within your business. 

01 About condition nodes

When you add a Condition node, you are presented with the 'Condition' node name and 2 buttons - 'If this' and 'Otherwise'.

You can rename both the 'Condition' node title and the 'If this' button, to reflect the condition you are creating. 

You cannot edit/rename the 'Otherwise' button. 

You can add more branches ('If this' buttons) to your Condition node if needed. You can rename these.

When you click on the 'If this' button, you will see a 'Name' field, an 'Operator' dropdown and a 'Condition 1: Variable' dropdown.

You can rename the 'Name' field to reflect what condition you are creating (for example 'Order selected' or 'Agent online'). This edits the text of your 'If this' button.

The 'Operator' dropdown is important to consider if you are adding more than 1 condition. For example, you might want to add under Condition 1, the variable : 'Order shipped > is > true' and then under a Condition 2, the variable: 'Shipping destination country > is > Australia'. If you only want the customer to be led down a specific branch if both of these conditions apply, then choose AND under the Operator dropdown. 

The 'OR' can be used if you want the customer to be led down the branch if either/any of the variables you have selected are triggered. For example, if, under Condition 1, the variable is 'Shipping destination country > is > Australia' and then under a Condition 2, the variable is 'Shipping destination country > is > New Zealand'. If you want the customer to be led down a specific branch if either of these conditions apply, then choose OR under the Operator dropdown. 

Under the Condition 1: Variable, you can select from the dropdown which condition you want to use. The 'value' fields underneath the variable will change depending on what condition has been chosen. 
Condition options are:

  • Agents are available to chat 
  • It's within business hours
  • Identity provided
  • Identity verified
  • Customer country
  • Customer name
  • Customer email
  • Customer segment
  • Order selected
  • Order status
  • Order items count
  • Order shipped
  • Order cancelled
  • Order late dispatch
  • Ordered x days ago
  • Shipped x days ago
  • Shipping destination country
  • Billing country
  • Order item product SKU
  • Order item product name
  • Order item marketplace product ID
By clicking on the 'Add condition' button, you can add as many conditions as you require.

02 Adding a condition node for online agents

Click into your chatbot, then into a chatbot flow and add a new Condition node. For more information on creating and editing Chatbots click here.

Click on the 'Condition' button and under the 'Name' field on the right-hand side, type 'Are Agents available?'.  
Under the 'Branch 0' field, type 'Agents online?'.
Note: This is for your reference only, the customer will not see the conditions or the text you type here.

Click on the newly renamed 'Agents online?' button in the node and under the 'Variable' dropdown choose 'Agents are available to chat'.
Below that, from the first 'variable' field, choose 'is'.
From the second 'variable' field, choose 'true'.
Save changes.

You can then add a 'Send Message' node under the 'Agents online?' branch to let your customers know you will be transferring them. Add a 'Transfer Agent' node under this message. (Or transfer to a 'Transfer Agent' flow). 

Under the 'Otherwise' branch of the Condition node, you can add a 'Send Message' node letting customers know there isn't anyone online right now. Add a 'Create ticket' node under this message. (Or transfer to a 'Create ticket' flow). 

Your 'Are Agents online' Condition node should look something like this:

Further Readings

Learn more about Ava here
Learn about connecting creating and editing chatbots here
To read about some other key Chatbot nodes, see here
To read about some sample flows, see here