Engage your website visitors with a smooth chat experience using eDesk Live Chat. 

This help file will guide you through the Widget Settings that you can use to build and customize the look of your chat experience to suit your business.

Before you start

  • Some features of the eDesk Live Chat such as Custom Fields and Tag Automations are only available on certain plans. To find out more, check out our pricing page

  • You’ll need to have access to Smart Tools > Widgets in your Settings. If you don’t have access, you can request it from an Admin user within your business. 

Chat set-up is split into 4 tabs: 

  • Customization
  • Behaviour
  • Prompts
  • Installation

01 Customization 

In the Customization tab, you can choose the colors, links, Tone of Voice and the Chat Transcript in the Live Chat box that will be added to your website.


Here you have the option to choose the language of the pre-set text such as name and email. You can also choose up to 2 brand colours to style your widget. 

  • The first colour is the main colour for the widget.
  • The second option is the Send button on the initial Chat form.

Useful Links 

These links will appear on the first screen when a Chat is started. 

  • Any URL can be added here and the link title will be displayed on the widget on the website. 
  • This may be a help or FAQ section or a sale link etc.

Agent Avatars

This section configures the avatars for Agents. The avatar is the little picture in a circle that is beside the Agent's name. Agents can have no image, use stock images, or upload their own images in their profile which will replace a stock image. 

  • Hide stock images
    Enable this if you don't want an Avatar of any kind.

Omnichannel Support

This section applies to WhatsApp only and is relevant only if you have integrated WhatsApp. Learn more about using WhatsApp with eDesk's Live Chat here.
Agent Avatars, Toggle Stick Images, and Omnichannel settings
Tone of Voice

  • The first 2 fields correspond to the text on the first screen above the name and email address and the useful links.
  • The next 2 fields correspond to messages within the conversation once the Chat has started. 

The default introduction message will appear as soon as the conversation is started. This will allow your customer to give some context to their issue while the agent is joining the chat so that they can get to it right upon joining.

Note: Waiting messages are sent to the customer but these are not visible to the agent. The agent will only see the customer’s message.

This is where you can customise the automated email sent to your customers once the chat has been finished. The receiving email will be the email provided when starting the chat.

Note: This transcript of the recent chat discussion will be sent regardless of whether an open or closed ticket has been created and there is no option to stop it from being sent. 

02 Behaviour 

The Behaviour tab is where you set the text in the chat box, configure how to capture customer feedback, set up a contact form to display to customers when your Agents are offline, and design how the transcript will look when it’s shared with the customer. 

Associated Tags

The tag selected here will appear on every Chat that is started and subsequently any ticket created after a Chat is finished.

Customer Specific Tags

When configured, this setting will give your customer the option to select a category from a drop-down menu when they initiate a Chat.

  • The first field will display a list of all the Tag groups you have created.
  • The second field will allow you to enter the text you would like to display for your customers, for example, “Select the relevant option”.

When the customer selects an option, this will add a tag to the Chat when it starts and when a ticket is created as a result of the chat.

Notes: 1. You will need to have a group created with the relevant Tags you want to display to your customer. To find out how to set up a Tag Group, click here.  2. Customer Specific Tags are only available on Performance +, Professional and Custom plans. 

Custom Fields 

If your customer wants to add more details, you could enable an option for them to add an additional field to display on the initial Chat window. 

  • Information entered in these fields will appear in the Details tab of the Chat and then on the right-hand side of the ticket when the Chat is finished.

Notes: 1. This feature uses the Custom Field in Smart Tools, so you must create the field there first. To find out how to set up Custom Fields for Chat, click here. 2. Custom Fields for Chat are only available on Performance +, Professional and Custom plans. 

Chat online

  • Enable Live Chat
    Switch on if you want to enable Live Chat. If this is enabled and no Agents are online, it will be disabled automatically. Live Chat will be available automatically as soon as an Agent goes online.
    Chat settings
    Chat Rating

    This option allows you to ask for feedback after Chat has been completed. Upon closing the Chat, your customer will get the option to select a rating and leave a comment. 
  • This rating will appear inside the ticket and on the Chat dashboard. 
  • The text fields allow you to display a header and message on the Chat rating window.

Chat Offline

If there are no agents available, you have the option to disable chat and display a Contact form instead. The customer can send a message and wait for a response via email, which will create a ticket inside the eDesk account. 

Note: If disabled, the Chat icon will not be displayed when there are no agents online. 

  • The header and message field placeholder option allows you to customise the text displayed.
  • This can also be used if you do not want the Live Chat feature, but would still like to give your customers the ability to contact you straight from the website through a contact form.

To find out more about Chat Offline, click here.


This option is for if you have our AI Chatbot, Ava, enabled on your account. 

If you do have Ava enabled, customers will come through to this Chatbot before they are routed to an Agent, thereby deflecting a large number of your chats. 

From the Chatbot dropdown, select the chatbot you want associated with your Chat Widget. 
Each field is then editable so that you can customise your own text. 

The above fields would look like this in the chat window:

For more information on chatbots, see here.

03 Prompts

You can create prompts that automatically prompt a customer to stimulate customer engagement. Click here to learn all about Proactive Chat and the settings in the Prompts tab.

Prompts tab

04 Installation

Now, all that’s left to do is to add the chat widget to your website or web store. We provide a code snippet for the widget, which you’ll need to add to the html in your website. You’ll also position the Live chat box/contact form on your web page.


In the Delay option, you can choose the number of seconds the customer must be on the page before the Chat button appears. 

Button and Chat Window Position

You can select your Button and Chat window position from the drop-down menu and then customised further using the Offset options. 

The snippet of code is located on the right-hand side of the page which you can copy and add to the section of your website where you want the Chat button to appear.

Allowed Domains
If you want to prevent your Live Chat widget from being used on other web pages, enter the URL of your website here. If you want to use the Chat Widget on multiple websites, then you can leave this field blank.
Allowed Domains field
When you're finished, click Save Changes.

The Chat Widget has been created, customized, and added to your website. Well done!

Further Readings


To find out more about Proactive Chat, click here.

Interested in learning more about Website Contact Forms? Click here.