We're here to help

Sending emails via SMTP in eDesk

There are a variety of ways to set up a From email address in eDesk. If you want to use an email address that isn’t provided by eDesk, then…

Changing your login email address

Whether you've forgotten the email address you registered your account with or you just want to change it, don't worry. It's a very simple…

Mail Forwarding using the same email address

Email forwarding will allow you to automatically forward emails from your support email address to your eDesk account. This help file will…

Troubleshooting: Finding your BigCommerce email addresses

BigCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform allowing you to create an online store and sell products. We understand the importance of delivering…

How to filter incoming emails

If you do not want all your incoming emails to appear in eDesk you can set up filters from within your email client (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo etc.). Before…

Creating new tickets and external emails

Create tickets in eDesk to deliver proactive support to your customers, and keep all your correspondence together by sending external emails…

Connecting your Support Email with eDesk

A Support email address is the main point of contact for any customer purchasing from you.  Connecting your Support Email will allow all…

What will my Feedback request emails look like?

For peace of mind, eDesk enables you to check how your Feedback requests appear to your customers. This help file will guide you through previewing…

Adding a personal voicemail greeting to eDesk Talk

eDesk Talk enables you to support customers that prefer to get help via a phonecall. And if you're not available when they ring, you can set…

Connecting Etsy with eDesk

Etsy is a global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, buy and collect unique items.  By connecting your Etsy account…

DMarc Compliance

You may have seen the following banner appear at the top of your account:

Language detection for AI Assist suggestions and Handsfree automatic replies

eDesk's range of AI features are designed to help you deliver fast and exceptional customer support to your entire customer base. Our intelligent…

5 Manual Usage Templates you need to create in eDesk!

Use these Manual Usage templates to respond to your customer's most frequently asked questions, and deliver a super-fast, five-star customer…

Exploring the Ticket View

Let's take a closer look at the Ticket View, which contains all the information and tools you need to respond to your customers fast and deliver…

Glossary of Industry Terms

This help file is a practical and easy-to-use guide to common terms used in the e-commerce industry and that you might come across when using…

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