eDesk is the only eCommerce-focused helpdesk and therefore offers a number of extra Add-Ons to help you deliver an even better customer experience. 

This help file will guide you through all the Add-Ons available with eDesk.

Before you start

  • You’ll need to use the free trial or subscribe to access the Add-Ons. 

01 eDesk Feedback

Start automating your customer feedback and review requests with eDesk Feedback will help you save hours of work each week, improve your ratings and increase your sales.

Related articles

The 3 step guide to setting up eDesk Feedback

Demo Video: eDesk - Feedback

02 AI Translation

Support international customers with automatic bi-directional language translation of incoming and outgoing tickets and chats.

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Deliver Flawless multi-language support with eDesk AI translation


03 WhatsApp


Engage audiences, accelerate sales and drive better customer support outcomes on the platform with our WhatsApp integration.

Related articles

How WhatsApp pricing works

Connecting WhatsApp with eDesk

04 eDesk Talk

Enhance your customer service with voice support, empowering agents for confident, efficient handling of complex issues.

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Connecting eDesk Talk

Using eDesk Talk