With the introduction of our new AI Assist feature, Smart Reply, there will be some updates to your Content hub. This article will guide you through those changes. 

Smart Reply is an exciting tool that uses order information and your Content hub to generate relevant replies instantly. However, since Smart Reply searches across multiple libraries, each with its own tone of voice, this approach is no longer practical. To streamline this, we’re removing the tone of voice settings from the library section and creating AI Instructions that will encompass tone of voice along with other customization options.

Note: We have already mapped the Content hub details to the new AI Instructions. However, please take the time to review the mapping to ensure it meets your needs.

01 What's different in the Content hub?

In the updated Content hub, you will no longer be able to edit the 'backstory' and 'tone of voice' that you added to your libraries - and the existing libraries will no longer display the ellipsis to edit your content. This will all now be done from Instructions. 

Likewise, the option to enable or disable the Content hub has also been removed. From now on, if you want your Content hub to be used, you will simply connect it to your Instructions. 

The columns in the Content hub section will only provide information about the attached Instructions.

Name: The name of the content hub

AI Instructions: These are the instructions applied to this content hub, sourced from the new AI Instructions page where you can set tone of voice and other parameters. Create Instructions and then assign them to a library within the Content hub.

Date: The date the library was created. 

02 AI Instructions

Instructions are now a separate item within the newly created AI Settings section. (Go to: Settings > AI > Instructions).

There are a number of different options within the Instructions. 

Indicates whether these instructions are for Smart Reply, Chatbot, or both.

Tone of voice: Specify the language and tone to use when interacting with customers, e.g., "Always be polite".

Directions: Provide specific guidelines on how to interact with customers, e.g., "Offering a refund should always be a last-resort solution."

Backstory: Give background information about your company and what it does, e.g., "The world's #1 e-commerce customer support software".

Content Hub libraries: Specify which library or libraries these instructions should apply to.

Channels (Smart Reply only):  Specify which channels you want these instructions to apply to. You can select multiple channels on one Instruction.
Note: The Channels option doesn't apply to Ava.

03 Things to note

  • Instructions can apply to multiple Content hubs.
    • If you select a Content hub that is already linked to another instruction, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite it.
  • Instructions can apply to multiple channels. 
    • If you select a channel that is already linked to another instruction, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite it.

04 Setting permissions for AI Instructions

AI Instructions is on by default for all Admins. Other users will need to be granted permissions by Admins to access this feature. To do this (if you have an Admin role) go to: Settings > Company Settings > Users. Click on the username, then go to the Role & Permissions tab to adjust the permissions.

05 Adding a new library

Now, when you add a new library, you will only see the option to give it a title.

After creating the library, you will then need to select Instructions for the library to use. 

Further readings: 

For further information on building a Content hub, click here
To learn more about Smart Reply, click here
For an overview of all our AI features, click here