We're here to help

Connecting Walmart with eDesk

Walmart is a popular online marketplace in America allowing you to sell products.  Connecting your Walmart account will allow your messages,…

Mail Forwarding using the same email address

Email forwarding will allow you to automatically forward emails from your support email address to your eDesk account. This help file will…

Connecting a channel with eDesk

eDesk brings all your customer queries into one place, with related order details and conversation history.  We understand the importance…

The eDesk App Store

eDesk integrates with a wide range of different marketplaces, webstores, support email & comms, social media, automation & management, tracking…

Connecting Amazon with eDesk

Connecting your Amazon channel settings will allow your orders, messages, delivery times, returns and refund details to flow into eDesk.

FAQ Channel Linking with eDesk

Email forwarding is the most straightforward eDesk receiving mode and will allow you to automatically forward emails to your eDesk account. Before…

Troubleshooting: Revoking access to existing software

When joining eDesk, it's a good idea to make sure that any previous software tools you were using are no longer trying to update your Amazon…

Connecting Outlook to eDesk

Connecting Outlook to eDesk couldn't be easier. In this guide, we will look at how to connect your Outlook account in eDesk super quickly using…

Channel Reports

The Channel Reports section is a marketplace-specific reporting tool showing useful information relevant to that marketplace. It currently supports…

Connect your Amazon Mailbox with eDesk (Repricer.com customers only)

So you’ve mastered the art of price management and now you’re ready to ramp up customer support capabilities? We like your style! If you…

Trialing eDesk via Repricer

If you started your eDesk trial via Repricer, your eDesk trial account is already connected to your Amazon channel - this means that all your…

Using Outlook folders for your channels in eDesk

If you use Outlook to receive emails from multiple channels, and the emails go into an Outlook folder for each channel, here's some good news.…

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