We're here to help

Mark Waiting tickets as Resolved after a certain amount of time 

We understand that each person works differently therefore we made it very easy to customize settings in eDesk.  In this help file, we’ll…

Resolving Tickets (video)

You can resolve or close a ticket in eDesk when you're done dealing with the customer's query. Regularly resolving tickets will help you keep…

How to Read/Unread Tickets

This help file highlights the difference between tickets that have been read (physically opened) and unread by an agent.  Before you start   You’ll…

Configuring your eDesk Mailbox

The eDesk Mailbox is highly configurable and it's super easy to set it up to suit your requirement.  This help file will guide you through…

Feedback Dashboard

The Feedback Dashboard gives you access to powerful insights and data helping you review your performance with the Feedback add-on.  This…

Setting up your Company details

The company details section allows you to customize and optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide…

Payment Failures

Sometimes it can happen that payment cannot be taken for your monthly/annual subscription and as a result, the service might get interrupted. This…

Reduce spam and system messages in your Mailbox

Is your Mailbox filling up with unnecessary spam or system messages from your marketplaces? This help file will show you how to display only…

Mail Forwarding using the same email address

Email forwarding will allow you to automatically forward emails from your support email address to your eDesk account. This help file will…

Connecting Klaviyo with eDesk

Klaviyo is a cloud-based marketing automation and email marketing tool that helps businesses create personalized, targeted campaigns and manage…

Responding to your customer

There are a number of ways to respond to messages in eDesk. You can decide to send manual responses, AI responses, pre-written templates, and…

Search and Filters

When navigating through your eDesk account, the search and filters option will enable you to find exactly the tickets you're looking for. This…

Tickets Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Using Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

Set up CSAT to request feedback from customers after their support ticket has been resolved. Once a ticket has been resolved by an Agent, a message…

Creating new tickets and external emails

Create tickets in eDesk to deliver proactive support to your customers, and keep all your correspondence together by sending external emails…

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