We're here to help

Adding limited access Read-only users to your account

Sometimes people from outside your support team, such as managers and colleagues from other functions of the business might want to access eDesk…

Search and Filters

When navigating through your eDesk account, the search and filters option will enable you to find exactly the tickets you're looking for. This…

Agents Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

How eDesk’s Mirakl Integration works

 So you’ve connected your Mirakl Marketplace with eDesk, great job!    The next step is to explore where your orders are going to be and…

Customizing the display in your eDesk Mailbox

Did you know that you can customize the information that's shown in your Mailbox, and also control the way information is displayed?  This…

eDesk Mailbox Tour

Welcome to eDesk, the future of eCommerce Customer Support!   This help file will guide new eDesk users through the Mailbox and help them…

The 5 step guide to setting up your eDesk Mailbox

Instead of having customer communication all over the place - customer messages scattered across separate inboxes and message centers, without…

Managing ticket statuses

Tickets have different statuses through their journey from new to resolved, each helping you to keep your mailbox organized. There are multiple…

Snoozing tickets

The snooze feature is made for situations where a ticket requires action but is currently on hold. A typical example of this is when you’re…

What's a ticket in eDesk?

Understanding tickets and how they work in eDesk is key to delivering a fantastic, personal experience for your customers. Let's find out more! This…

What are the best practices for keeping your mailbox organized?

Support teams often opt for a centralized inbox to deal with customers because it's easy to set up and gathers communications into one place.…

Bulk Edit Tickets

The bulk edit options in eDesk will allow you to perform an action on multiple tickets in one go, allowing you to save time and be more efficient. Before…

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