We're here to help

Assigning tickets with Round Robin

eDesk's Round Robin feature automatically assigns tickets to your Support Agents, sharing the workload across the team and maximizing efficiency. Before…

Managing your team’s permissions using roles

All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…

Creating new custom roles to manage user permissions

All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…

Responding with Snippets (video)

We encourage you to use snippets in your replies to customers to save time whilst sending professional and thorough responses!  

Responding with Templates (video)

 It's important to reply to customers using Templates in eDesk to provide the fastest and most professional customer support!  

Adding limited access Read-only users to your account

Sometimes people from outside your support team, such as managers and colleagues from other functions of the business might want to access eDesk…

Using Message Rules in eDesk

Using as many Message Rules as possible will ensure that your customer interactions will always be handled by the right team members. It will…

Setting up Auto-translation in eDesk

Grow your business and support international markets in any language with eDesk’s Auto-translation feature. This help file will explain…

Using Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

Set up CSAT to request feedback from customers after their support ticket has been resolved. Once a ticket has been resolved by an Agent, a message…

The eDesk Smart Tools

Smart Tools are eDesk’s most powerful features. They enable you to create smart workflows, route tickets and automatically reply to repetitive…

Ticket sharing with third parties

Did you know you can collaborate on customer tickets with people that don't have an eDesk account, such as suppliers or third-party services?…

Fine-tune your customer care with eDesk's Report Extracts

eDesk gives you unique insights into the customer care you provide across your entire customer base. Our Report Extracts feature enables you…

Subscription Plans

Whether you're a small start-up or a very large corporation, eDesk offers a wide range of plans to suit your business needs and help you grow. This…

Using Auto-Translation to support international markets

eDesk’s Auto-translation tool allows you to go global and support your customers in over 100 languages. This help file will explain how…

Transforming your responses to customers with AI Composer

Want to save time and deliver truly great customer responses? eDesk's intelligent AI Composer uses ChatGPT technology to instantly change the…

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