The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire business are performing.

This help file will guide you through all the reporting data available in the Agents section.

Before you start

  • You’ll need to have access to Insights in your permissions. If you don’t have access, you can request it from an Admin user within your business. 
Note: certain sections of the Insights can be downloaded as XLS, when this is possible you will see three dots showing on the top right-hand side.

01 Currently assigned tickets

The first tab in the Channel Dashboard would be the Currently assigned tickets section.

This chart displays the number of tickets each one of your agents is dealing with, whether they're Mentioned or Assigned to it. You will also have insights into the status of the tickets in question (To Do, Waiting, or Snoozed).

To find out more about ticket statuses, click here.

02 Tickets Handled

The second tab will show you a heatmap with your agents and the number of tickets they handled. The darker the cell the more events happened at the time. You can also select what would you like to see in the dropdown below the heatmap.

The Agent Contribution metric is calculated by combining the incoming and outgoing messages per agent.

Pro Tip: you can hover on a cell with your mouse to see more details about it.
You can also choose from the drop-down on the heatmap to see different metrics for your Agents in more detail.

Below this, you will also see the Agent Contribution chart, giving you insights on how many tickets, messages, internal notes each agent has sent. Also, you'll get data on handling time and 'one and done'.
To find out how to respond to customers with eDesk, click here.

03 Chats Handled

Last but not least, the last tab in the Agents Insights section will give you a big overview of the Chats Handled by your agents in eDesk.

This heatmap shows the number of chats handled per agent during the selected time period. The darker the cell the more chats happened at the time. You can also select what would you like to see in the dropdown below the heatmap. The Agent Contribution metric is calculated by combining the incoming and outgoing messages in chat per agent.
Further down, the Number of handled chats, Average duration of chats, and Survey by agents sections will allow you to quickly identify how many chats were completed per agent, the average time spent on chat per agent as well as any CSat they might have received.

To find out more about CSATs in eDesk, click here.

Further Readings

To find out more about Chats Insights, click here.

Interested in learning more about Tickets Insights? Click here.