You can select the Sending mode for email channels to determine the From address of messages sent from eDesk.

This help file will guide you through the different Sending Modes available and what they mean.

Before you start

  • You’ll need an Admin login to eDesk. If you don’t have an Admin login, you can request one from an Admin user within your business.

01 Different Sending Modes

Go to Settings → Mailbox Settings → Channels → select the channel → Mailbox tab → Sending mode.

From there, you will see all the sending modes available within your eDesk account.

02 Send directly from the channel's eDesk address

This uses the channel email address (found at the top of the channel's Mailbox tab) as the From address. An example of this could be:

03 Send from own email address via SMTP

This sends messages via the email client-server i.e. if you connect a Gmail account, eDesk connects to Gmails’ SMTP server to send the message.

Enter the mail provider's Host, Connection type, Port, and your username and password, and the From email address will show as your email address.

This setup would be recommended when using your own Customer Support email with eDesk.

To find out more, click here.

04 Send via Microsoft Outlook API

You would only use this option if you have an Outlook email connected to this channel. 

The address your customers would see would be the connected Outlook email address. 

An alternative, if you do have an Outlook email connected, would be to change your 'Receiving mode' to 'Pull emails via Microsoft Outlook API'. This would remove the need to choose a Sending mode then as everything would be pulled and sent via the Outlook API. To find out more about Recieving modes, click here

05 Send from own email address

This sends an email showing your address but using eDesk servers.
The From name and email address will show as My Company.

Recently, stricter sending mode protocols have been introduced. eDesk now needs you to grant permission to send emails on your behalf through DMarc compliance. 

If you choose 'Send from own email address', you are likely to see a notification to update your DNS records. 

If this occurs, click on the 'Download .csv DNS record set' so that you can add them to your domain's DNS settings. Please see our guide on this here

If you do not know where to find your domain's DNS settings, you should contact your email provider - or alternatively, you could consider changing your Sending Mode to 'SMTP' (see Section 3 above). 

Further Readings

If you wanted to learn more about Mailbox Settings, click here.

Interested in finding out more about creating signatures in eDesk? Click here.