eDesk's Insights tool provides reports on the customer service you deliver through eDesk to give you a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire business are performing.

This help file will explain the reporting data available in the Chats section of eDesk's Insights tool.

Before you start 

  • eDesk Chat is available as an Add-On. To find more information, click here. 
  • You’ll need to have access to Insights > Chats in your permissions. If you don’t have access, you can request it from an Admin user within your business. 

01 Insights > Chats

eDesk Chat empowers you to provide customer support on-demand and in real-time. Learn more about eDesk's Live Chat here. 
But how do you measure the performance of your chat support and identify areas that could be improved? The Chats section in eDesk's Insights tool provides dashboards that enable you to understand how your chat-based support is performing so that you can always be sure your business is delivering great service to your customers. The dashboards are based on engaged chat sessions. This is any conversation where the customer has selected a (Chatbot) option or sent a message via your eDesk chat widget.

Use the Widget and Date filters on the Insights > Chats page to show only the data you're interested in.

02 Chats Overview tab

The Chat overview tab provides a high-level overview of your chat-based support.

A summary at the top lists the following metrics as Big Numbers:
  • Total conversations 
    The total number of chat conversations that were started (non-chatbot) and in which the customer engaged (sent a message, selected an option etc in chatbot conversations). This includes both chatbot conversations and agent conversations.
  • Ava handled
    The number of conversations in which the chatbot was active and the conversation was not passed to an Agent. A conversation is considered handled by Ava (Ava handled) if the conversation is ended without an agent ever joining.
  • Agents handled
    The number of conversations where an agent joined the conversation. This may be after a chatbot conversation or where there was no chatbot active on the widget. If a chatbot conversation was transferred to an agent, this is counted as one conversation only.
  • Agents unavailable
    The number of conversations that were missed as there was no agent available. This will occur when no agent was online when a chatbot conversation was transferred, if there are no available slots when a chatbot conversation was transferred or if a chat was simply not claimed by an agent. If a chat remains unclaimed for 30 minutes, the chat will be closed, a To Do ticket created and it will be counted as missed (Agents unavailable).
The same data is used in the Breakdown graph, which provides an at-a-glance comparison of the metrics for the selected widget and date range. Position your cursor on a node in the graph to display the relevant numbers in a tooltip.

To print the chart or download a copy of the data in PDF, SVG, CSV, or XLS format, select the More Actions menu button in the right hand side of the Breakdown graph and choose from the menu.

The same data is also used in the Heatmap, which shows the number of chats per hour during the selected time period and for the selected Widget. The darker the cell, the more chats occurred during that hour. The numbers represent both Chatbots and Agents. The Busiest Time of the day metric is the time slot in which the highest number of chats were started by customers.

Pro Tip: You can review all Chatbot conversations in the eDesk Mailbox if you filter by Ticket type > Chatbot.

02 Agents availability

The Agents availability tab gives you a top-level view of the availability of agents per time slot for the selected Widget and date range. 
  • Green: The agent was Online for the majority of the time slot
  • Yellow: The agent was Away for the majority of the time slot.
  • White: The agent was Offline for the majority of the time slot.

03 Chats report extracts

eDesk's report extracts feature also provides insights into chat performance and content for both chatbots and agent Online Chat. Learn more here.

Further Readings


For information about Tickets Insights, see here.
For information about Agents Insights, see here.