Report extracts allow you to extract specific data about your Agents, Channels, Tickets, Tags, Chats, Chatbot, User log, SLA breaches, Custom fields, Handsfree, or Languages and put it in a dedicated report that delivers invaluable, targeted insights. You can also create an automated report, which automatically generates the report extract at scheduled time intervals, for example, every 7 days or each month. Once set up, all you need to do is login and view the generated report.
This help file will explain how to set up and then view automated report extracts in eDesk.
Before you start
- Report extracts are available to customers on Agent based Professional and Enterprise plans and Performance+ 1,000 and above. Learn more about our plans here.
01 Report extracts recap
Just in case you're not familiar with the Report extracts feature, you can learn all about it here. In a nutshell, you can create reports that contain only the information you're interested in, and then download them as a .csv file.You can set them up to extract very specific information, and as a result, they often throw light on issues or areas of your customer support that could be improved.
02 Automated report extracts
Automated reports allow you to set a schedule which will automatically generate the report you create. Inside the Automated reports tab, create the report as normal and set the schedule.
The report will be created and available in the Current reports tab for you to download based on the schedule.
03 Setting up an automated report extract
- Go to Insights > Reports > Report extracts.
The page opens showing the Current reports tab. All the reports you've generated or ones that have been generated automatically in the last month are listed here. - Select the Automated reports tab.
This page lists the automated reports that you've already created.
- Select Create report.
The Create report window opens.
Complete the fields:- Report name
Enter a name for your report, e.g. Monthly Agent report. - Report type
Select the type of report you want to generate: Ticket report, Handsfree report (available if Handsfree is enabled), Channel report, Tag report, Language report, Agent report, Chat report, Chatbot Q&A report (available if Chatbots are enabled), SLA Breaches report, Custom Fields report, or User Log report. Learn more about these reports in this help file. - Date range
Choose the time period that the report will cover: Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last month, or Last 3 months. - Starts on
Select the date and time that the first report in the series will be generated. - Repeats
Select how frequently to run the report: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Every 3 months from the start date. - Send me an email each time this report is generated
Tick this box if you want to be notified by email when a report is generated.
- Report name
- Depending on the report type you selected, filter options will be displayed. Choose your preferred filters.
Note: All of the filters you select will be applied to the data. For example, if you generate a Ticket report and specify a ticket type and a channel, only the specified ticket type from the specified channel will be included in the report. If you select Agent report and specify a channel, the report will include all Agents with information about the specified channel only. - Select Create report.
The Create report window closes and the new report is saved to the list of reports in the Automated reports tab.
04 Viewing an automated report extract
Once generated, the user that created the automated report will receive a notification alerting them that a report has been generated, and the generated report will be displayed in the Current reports tab.
If you’ve selected the email notification option, you’ll receive an email as soon as the report is ready.
Note: Generated automated reports behave the same way as any report extract, and they will expire after 30 days, at which point they will be moved to the Expired reports tab.
05 Disable or edit an automated report
To disable/edit an automated report:- Go to Insights > Reports > Report extracts.
- Select the Automated reports tab.
- Click on the pencil (edit) icon for the report you would like to modify.
- The Update Report modal window will open.
- To stop the automated report from sending, choose Off under the Repeats dropdown.
- To make other changes, click into the relevant field and update the information as needed.
- Don't forget to save your changes!

Further Reading
To find out more about CSAT, see here.Interested in learning more about eDesk reporting? See here