"Where's my order?" can constitute an estimated 20-40% of customer enquiries. That's why eDesk allows you to add a direct tracking link to orders that have a tracked delivery service so that you can easily automate responses to "Where's my order?" and make it easy for your Agents to deliver a fantastic customer experience.
This help file explains how to add a tracking link to orders in eDesk and use it to speed up customer responses.

Before you start

  • You'll need an eDesk account. To find out how to create one, click here.

01 Work smarter, not harder

When you use a tracked delivery service to send orders to your customers, the courier provides you with a Tracking Code Link to open a web page that tracks progress of the individual delivery. 

For example: https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=LM2SOXAW

If you add this link to just one order in eDesk, eDesk will create a #tracking_code_link# snippet containing a hyperlink to that courier's tracking web page for any order sent by that courier.

You can then add the #tracking_code_link# snippet to any reply templates, e.g. for HandsFree or AutoResponders, or include it in your own typed replies, and eDesk will insert the correct Tracking Code Link for the individual order into the outgoing message to the customer. When the customer then opens the response to their "Where's my order?" enquiry, they can click the Tracking Code Link to view the delivery progress of their order. Learn about snippets here.

This handy snippet will enable you to automate handling of "Where's my order?" enquiries for any order that is sent via that courier, freeing your Agents to devote more time to those customer enquiries that require a more personal level of support. 

02 How do I set it up? 

  1. Copy the Tracking Link from the courier.

    For example, the courier is FEDEX and the Tracking Code is LM2SOXAW

    The tracking link for FEDEX will be something like: 

    Note how the Tracking Link that a courier provides always includes the Tracking Code.

  2. Go to All Orders section and select an order that will be sent via this courier, to display the order details.

  3. Click the pen icon next to the tracking code.
    Order open in the All Orders page.
    This will open  the Update Tracking Link modal window.
  4. In the Update Tracking Link window, enter the full Tracking Code Link that you copied in step 1.

    In the case of our example, you'd paste in https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=LM2SOXAW

    Enter the Tracking Link into the Update Tracking Link modal.
  5. Click Save to store the tracking link format.

    This results in the following:

    • Tracking Link auto populated for all orders using this courier

      In eDesk, the Tracking Link for all orders with this courier name - in our example, this will be all orders sent via "FEDEX" - will be auto populated with a working Tracking Code Link. So where a FEDEX order has the Tracking Code 12345, the Tracking Link in eDesk for that order will be auto populated with https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=12345.

    • Tracking Code Snippet available for all orders using this courier
      In eDesk, the #tracking_code_link# snippet will be populated with the same Tracking Code Link for any orders with the same courier name, so you can include it in templates and any typed replies.
  6. Repeat these steps for all of your couriers.

    Note that if the name of a courier is spelt or formatted differently by different marketplaces, webstores etc, e.g. "FEDEX" and "Fed Ex", then you should repeat these steps for all of these different spellings.
  7. Now add the #tracking_code_link# snippet to your templates for "Where's My Order?" enquiries. For instructions, see here.

03 How do I use this feature to speed up my customer support?

Once you've set up the Tracking Code Link for all of your couriers, added the snippet to templates, and set up these templates to be sent in response to a "Where's my order?" enquiry, your support team will reap the following benefits:
  • Easily view the delivery status and delivery history of the order
    In the Orders section in eDesk, simply select the Tracking Link in the order to immediately open a web page showing the current delivery status and delivery history of the order
  • Eliminate the majority of "Where's my Order" enquiries from their To Do list
    By setting up eDesk to autorespond to these enquiries by sending a message with a working Tracking Code Link, your Support Team will have 20-40% fewer enquiries to handle.
  • Deliver gold star customer service with maximum efficiency
    Your customers' questions are answered quickly and accurately, with zero burden on your busy Support Team. 

Further reading: 

To learn about using eDesk's AI-powered replies, click here.
To learn about templates in eDesk, click here.