TikTok Shop is a marketplace that allows sellers to use personalized storefronts, manage inventory efficiently, and engage with customers through seamless communication channels.

Connecting your TikTok Shop Marketplace account to eDesk means that you can oversee orders and conduct conversations with customers for all of your TikTok Shop stores in eDesk, and easily comply with TikTok's strict SLAs. 

Before you start 

  • You’ll need an Admin login to eDesk. If you don’t have an Admin login, you can request one from an Admin user within your business. 
  • You'll need a TikTok Shop account. To find out how to create one, see here.

01 What will connecting eDesk and TikTok Shop allow me to do?

eDesk puts all of your TikTok Shop customer conversations in one place - the eDesk Mailbox - where it is simple to manage and monitor your SLAs and deliver gold standard customer care for all of your TikTok Shop stores. 

eDesk enables you to:

  • view all incoming orders from your TikTok stores in the Orders page, with an order summary also displayed in the ticket in the Mailbox in eDesk.
  • view all conversations between you and your customers as tickets in the eDesk Mailbox. Open the ticket to view the individual customer messages, the replies from your team, and other relevant information.
  • reply to customer messages, and include order information in your replies with just a click or two. The replies will go straight to the customer's email.
  • start conversations with customers.
  • manage all customer conversations easily using eDesk's numerous tools, which include Mailbox tools, templates, snippets, and a huge range of AI-powered features that empower your team to respond to customers quickly and efficiently.
Please note, eDesk is currently unable to:
  • Process returns, cancellations or refunds for TikTok Shop
  • Handle product ratings or feedback

02 How do I connect my TikTok Shop to eDesk?

  1. Go to the App Store and select the TikTok Shop tile in the Marketplaces category.
  2. The App page for TikTok Shop provides an Overview of how the channel works with eDesk.  Select Install App to go ahead and connect your TikTok Shop account to eDesk.
    Install App button
  3. In the Select your TikTok Shop marketplace page, select the marketplace that you sell in. 
    Select your TikTok marketplace screen.
  4. Select Authorize eDesk.
    Select Authorize eDesk page.Next, you'll be redirected to your TikTok Shop account, where you will complete the process.

03 Connecting your TikTok Shop store

In this stage, you will login to TikTok Shop and configure your TikTok Shop store to allow eDesk to access order information.
  1. Login to TikTok Shop.
  2. The 01 Select account type tab is displayed. Select the Account Type.
    01 Select Account Type screen in TikTok.
  3. The 02 Install tab is displayed. Complete the form and select Confirm to install.
    Complete the fields in the Instal form.
  4. The 03 Authorize tab is displayed, showing a confirmation message.
    TikTok Authorized page.eDesk is now authorized to securely copy the store's orders from the past 3 months and display them in the Orders tab for permissioned users in your organisation.
    If an error occurs that stops you from authorizing eDesk, you can get help from our friendly team here.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all of your TikTok Shop stores. 

Well done, set up is complete!

04 Using eDesk to support your TikTok Shop customers

Now, you and other permissioned users in your organisation can start supporting the customers of your TikTok Shop stores through eDesk. 
  • Whenever your TikTok Shop stores receive a new order, it will appear on your Orders page.
  • Whenever your TikTok Shop stores receive a customer message for a new topic, it will appear in your Mailbox as a new ticket. The ticket will contain the customer's message, details of any related order, any actions taken by your team including replies, internal notes, and external emails, any follow-up messages from the customer, and other useful information relevant to the customer's order and message.
If you are new to eDesk, there are some step-by-step help files here that will enable you to get maximum benefit from eDesk's great built-in features and add-ons.

Further Readings

To learn how to connect Amazon with eDesk, see here.

To learn how to connect eBay with eDesk, see here.