We're here to help

How to use Feedback to stay compliant with the new Buyer-Seller Messaging updates

This help file will guide you through all the recent changes required to remain compliant with Amazon. If you're not sure about ALL the guidelines…

Amazon Buyer Opt-Out

Amazon allows buyers to opt-out of receiving non-critical messages from sellers. This help file will give you all the information on how eDesk…

Connecting Etsy with eDesk

Etsy is a global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, buy and collect unique items.  By connecting your Etsy account…

European VAT for eCommerce

If you’re worried that tax laws can be complicated then fear not! This help file will guide you through everything you need to know about…

Connecting Wix from the eDesk App Store

Wix Is a cloud-based website builder that includes web hosting and design services. It makes it easy for users to build their site without either…

Connecting Sears with eDesk

Sears Marketplace is an online ecommerce market that allows you to sell your products as well as advertise them on Sears' website. Connecting…

Connecting Rakuten with eDesk

Rakuten France (formerly known as Priceminister) offers an online e-commerce website that provides new, used, and collectable products at fixed…

Connecting Cdiscount with eDesk

Cdiscount is a major marketplace in France with 23 million unique visitors to the site every month and with 10.2 million unique users. Connecting…

Connecting Bonanza with eDesk

Bonanza is an online marketplace where sellers list their products to be sold. It’s divided into multiple categories to help buyers find exactly…

Connecting VoloCommerce with eDesk

VoloCommerce provides an ecommerce platform, a reporting platform and services for multichannel sellers to grow sales on marketplaces like Amazon,…

Connecting Newegg with eDesk

Newegg Commerce, Inc. is an online retailer of items including computer hardware and consumer electronics. Connecting your Newegg account…

Using Snippets in Amazon Feedback requests

Keep delivering a great customer experience by personalizing Feedback requests for orders you've received through Amazon. This help file…

Connecting Kaufland with eDesk

Kaufland (formerly Real.de) is one of the biggest and fastest growing open marketplace in Germany, offering an extensive sales channel and covering…

Connecting Shopware with eDesk

Shopware is a leading ecommerce system and used by some of the largest European brands, retailers and manufacturers across B2C and B2B industries.  Connecting…

Feedback Dashboard

The Feedback Dashboard gives you access to powerful insights and data helping you review your performance with the Feedback add-on.  This…

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