We're here to help

Enable WhatsApp Chat through your eDesk Live Chat Widget

eDesk’s Live Chat enables you to add a Whatsapp click-to-chat widget to your website so visitors can start a conversation with your business…

Chats Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Chats Insights (including Chatbots)

eDesk's Insights tool provides reports on the customer service you deliver through eDesk to give you a better understanding of how your team,…

Troubleshooting: Live Chat widget

This help file will guide you through what actions to take if you are having issues with the Live Chat or Widgets in eDesk. Before you…

Setting up eDesk's Live Chat

Take your customer care to the next level with eDesk’s Live Chat! It’s quick to set up and customers love the real-time support you can provide. This…

Chat Settings

Engage your website visitors with a smooth live chat experience using the eDesk Chat Add-On.  This help file will guide you through the Widget…

How does eDesk’s Live Chat work for your customers and your team?

Customers love love love the instant results they get when you provide real-time support through Live Chat. eDesk’s Live Chat is simple to…

Auto-translation for Live Chat

eDesk’s Auto-translation tool allows you to go global and support your customers in over 100 languages. This help file will explain how…

Proactive Chat

Proactive Chat allows the user to trigger a pop-up on the website based on 3 conditions with the aim of stimulating engagement with their customer.    For…

Notifications for Chat

To make it easier for you to differentiate between chat interactions, eDesk Chat notifications come in two sounds: one for new conversations…

Set up Live Chat on your Shopify store

Engage with your customers on your Shopify store using eDesk’s Live Chat. Setting it up is easy, quick, and customizable to suit your business…

Hiding irrelevant CSAT feedback in your Insights

Understanding your customer's experience has never been more important. That's why eDesk allows you to exclude irrelevant or inappropriate customer…

Exploring the Ticket View

Let's take a closer look at the Ticket View, which contains all the information and tools you need to respond to your customers fast and deliver…

Trialling eDesk? All your questions answered!

You've heard a lot of chatter about how eDesk makes life super easy for online sellers, and now you've decided to see what all the fuss is about!…

Configuring your eDesk Mailbox

The eDesk Mailbox is highly configurable and it's super easy to set it up to suit your requirement.  This help file will guide you through…

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