Twitter is a popular way for customers to contact brands with pre and post-sales queries. 

Connecting your Twitter Page will allow all your tweets and direct messages to flow into eDesk.

All messages will continue to be delivered to your Twitter page and it will also update when you send messages from eDesk.

Before you start

  • You’ll need an Admin login to eDesk. If you don’t have an Admin login, you can request one from an Admin user within your business.
  • You'll need a Twitter page. You can find out how to create one here.

01 How do I connect Twitter in eDesk?

  1. Go to the App Store and click the Twitter tile in the Social Media category. 
    The Twitter tile in the App Store.
  2. The App Store page for Twitter provides an Overview of how the channel works with eDesk, and an Installed Channels tab will also be shown if you already have an app for a Twitter account installed.  Click Install App to go ahead and connect a new Twitter account.
    Install App button
  3. Click Authorize eDesk. You'll be taken to a Twitter authorization page.
  4. Enter the username and password for the account you want to connect.
  5. Click Authorise App.

02 Where do I see data from Twitter in eDesk?

Now that you successfully connected your Twitter page, we will import data directly into your eDesk account.

You will be able to see all your tweets and direct messages on the Mailbox screen:

Further Readings

If you would like to find out more about connecting Instagram with eDesk, click here.

If you would be interested in learning more about connecting Facebook with eDesk, click here.