We're here to help

How does the eDesk Knowledge Base work?

Reduce customer queries by up to 30% by publishing help articles to your website that enable customers to self-serve. Then attach your Knowledge…

Cloning a Knowledge Base

In eDesk, it's really easy to create a dedicated Knowledge Base for each of your shops and countries, especially if you use our handy cloning…

Product Demo: eDesk (video)

eDesk is the only customer support help desk built exclusively for eCommerce. It makes it super easy for customers to get in touch across all…

What are the best practices for providing super fast customer support?

Customer support is a balancing act between high customer expectations and your team’s limited resources. Customers want fast and accurate…

Intro to Snippets (video)

 Adding eDesk's snippets to your customer replies allows you to deliver fast, personal and consistent customer care!

Intro to AI (video)

eDesk's powerful AI (Artificial Intelligence) allows you to accelerate your response time by providing one-click AI-powered responses that are…

What are the best practices for creating a 5-star customer experience?

Nowadays, customers can shop from anywhere, at any time, making it harder than ever to get ahead of the competition! Remember that a single bad…

Building a Content Hub

The Content Hub is powered by Ava and is essentially “Ava’s bookshelf”. This is where all material that Ava uses to answer customer questions…

Spotlight on the eDesk Insights (video)

In this video, we will talk about eDesk Insights! We’ve given eDesk Dashboards a new layout and a new name to go with it.   

Building a powerful collaborative workspace! (video)

Watch this video and find out how easy it is to build a powerful collaborative workspace in eDesk!

Product Demo: Benefits of using an eCommerce Help Desk (video)

What are the benefits of using an eCommerce help desk like eDesk?  

Introducing AI Assist: your Support team’s new best friend!

AI Assist is an intelligent tool that helps your support agents respond to customer questions quickly and accurately. It can be trained on all…

General Insights

The Insights section in eDesk allows you to consult stats and data so you can have a better understanding of how your team, products, and entire…

Creating tickets (video)

Learn how to easily create tickets in eDesk to respond fast to all of your customer queries!  

The eDesk Onboarding Guide

Customer support in one place, not all over the place! Get started with eDesk now!

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